Events that connect us
through fabulous ideas

Dumitru Rășcanu
Află povestea lui Dumitru Rășcanu, fondatorul Apisrom. @Fab Lab Iași - str. Rândunica 2 Cum a ajuns la cifra de afaceri de 9 milioane de euro și cum și-a transformat concurentul în partener de afaceri.
De Mărțișor, vino să descoperi vehiculele Iașului, demult dispărute în negura istoriei! Te așteptăm vineri, 1 martie 2024, la vernisajul „Tramvaiul ieșean. Perpetuu” prin care marcăm aniversarea a 126 de ani de la înființarea serviciului de transport public electric la Iași alături de prietenii noștri, Silviu Teodor-Stanciu, designer și lector universitar și Tiberiu Teodor-Stanciu, arhitect optimist și asistent universitar.
Annemarie Fabian
Ce ne facem cu modificările fiscale din acest an? Vino la întâlnirea Club Fab Lab de la Fab Lab 3 în 5 martie ca să descoperim mai multe despre cum ne impactează activitatea de business Modificările fiscale din 2024 & e-Factura. Va fi un dialog între gazda noastră, Catrinel Zaharia Financial Educator & Expert @Personal EduFin și prietena noastră Annemarie Fabian, Co-Founder SOLO*. WHEN: 5 martie, ora 18:00 WHERE: Fab Lab 3, strada Morilor nr. 56.
Vlad Cosmin
In this in-person talk, we will explore the intricacies of the latest generation of large language models (GPT-4). He will shed light on how they work behind-the-scenes, delving into strategies such as fine-tuning and retrieval augmented generation, and will address the challenges these models face, including slow response times and restrictions due to context window sizes.
We are thrilled to invite you to the 2nd edition of this wonderful mix between design & tech. This time will be designing a special edition, with two remarkable guests: Georgiana Dragomir, CEO at Grapefruit and Adrian Mironescu (yes, he will be our guest this time!), Brand Identity Consultant and Designer at Wiron, Founder of People of Design Iași.
In this workshop you will learn the basics to implement different forms of interactivity in your New Media installation. The start is on 20 of february and you will be greeted by 4 guides Grafo, Marian Mina, Georgeana Dura and Dr0mp.
Even community leaders need a community for networking and support, right? 💛 That’s why we're launching 𝐈𝐚𝐬𝐢 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐩 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭-𝐮𝐩𝐬, a series of events designed for the local ecosystem.
Adrian Sfichi
🙌 With the support of EIT Digital, Startup Reaktor, Qualibro, Techcelerator, powered by ROTSA and People of Tech and other local actors in the ecosystem, hosted by Fab Lab Iasi, we are back in 2024 with our Founders Club Iași monthly series of meetups, committed to showcasing the best practices and the success stories of local startups that are scaling globally.

Fab Lab Iași community, an identity crafted to foster creativity and business.

We are grateful for every person that actively contributed at the growth and wellbeing of our community.
Thank you for being fabulous!

We share our resources and support with our co-creative network

TRUST. OPENNESS. INNOVATION. These are our core principles.

Come and see us

If you’re tired of working from home or you simply want to exchange ideas among some nice people, come and have a coffee with us.